Let’s face it, the experience for our customer, the kids, has to be awesome or they won’t want to come back. Our educational philosophy of “Hands-on, Minds-on” sums it up best. Kids learn by doing in our programs with an incredible level of engagement and a huge fun factor built into our classes. That’s where we excel and offer a wide range of different experiences. Below are examples of some of the amazing classes, camps, and workshop programs you can offer as a franchise owner:

Our Bricks classes cover the E in STEAM – Engineering! We offer a full range of LEGO classes and unique classes like ArKIDtect and Epic Engineering Disasters that use a variety of materials to explore engineering
- LEGO Engineering Classes
- Early Engineering Machines 1
- Early Engineering Machines 2
- Early Engineering Structures
- Action Contraptions
- Gears, Gadgets and Gizmos
- Simple Machines
- Elementary Engineering 1
- Elementary Engineering 2
- Elementary Engineering Pneumatics
- Elementary Engineering Renewable Energy
- ArKIDtect
- Epic Engineering Disasters
- Fairy Tale Engineering

In our Bots classes coding comes naturally to children through building and programming robots, coding apps and creating video games. They know they're having fun but they're also learning all important 21st-century skills such as; critical thinking and problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, and communication.
- Early robotics
- Elementary Robotics with LEGO WeDo
- LEGO Mindstorms Robotics
- Kid Code – Amazing Apps
- Mine Masters Mania

From forming hypotheses to drawing conclusions kids become scientists and have a blast! Chemistry, biology, zoology, entomology, medical and veterinary science offer kids an introduction to new and fascinating real-world STEAM applications.
- Crazy Chemistry
- Chemical Concoctions
- Potions Lab
- Bugs
- Refraction Action Rainbow STEAM
- Future Vet
- Future Doctor
- Science Detectives
- Super Hero STEAM
- Zany Zoology
- Amazing Animals
- Jurassic Jamboree